The way to make community rich
The way to make community rich Secrets of Established Community; Why and How to Get Rich as Community Five traits of Established Community; why they are rich: 1) They believe in business. Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, “Nine-tenths of the sustenance (rizq) is derived from trade.”. “Nine tenths of sustenance is derived from trade and one tenth from pastoral farming.” 2) Educate themselves as per need of the time. Follow the paradigm shift; when doctor, engineer was need of time; this community was there, later was the time of business, accounting, financing, computer; community followed this shifting. Acquire reasonable education. 3) They are peaceful people, they don't believe in fighting, courts. They prefer unconditional patch ups. 4) They have organizations. There are three categories; rich, middle, poor. Middle class are highly educated, honest, sign of wisdom and trustworthy. They donate and motivate rich people to donate and then spend on poor people. Mainl...