
Showing posts from February, 2022

Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you deny?

An Unbelievable Love Story of my Parents | Ali Ahmad Awan Ar-Rahman (The Most Beneficent) 55:13 فَبِأَيِّ آلَاء رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ Then which of the Blessings of your Lord will you deny? Railway train was coming from Karachi to Lahore. All people died in a bomb blast except a family of 7. A girl was also among who survived. A boy was also survived with very severe injuries. He recalled when he lost legs his legs with polio when he was 2. His eyes lost in 7th class. Disability (eyes, hard to compete fast pace world) vs Capability (hands, voice, listening, continuous hard work brings success). He focused on what was possible, not on irrelevant and impossible. He started learning type writer. He learned flute which was popular in his area. He started teaching flute to the youth on condition that he will record a chapter of the book for him. He completed MA Urdu. In 1995 he got telephone line at his home. He started calling on FM100 radio. He became popular due to his content. A girl ...

Life Lessons - Andrew Carnegie, “I can keep my mind focused on something for five minutes at a stretch.”

Become RICHEST like Bill Gates, Elon Musk In 2022 || MONEY Making SECRETS Tip 1: don't mistake information with intelligence ~ pay attention Andrew Carnegie told secret of his success “I can keep my mind focused on something for five minutes at a stretch.” Just five minutes. Everyone was surprised to hear this. They thought he must be joking. Andrew Carnegie asked the members, “Can any of you do it?” Everyone thought they could and started the experiment. But none of them could focus their mind on anything for even a few seconds. This is the nature of the mind, it is restless. Andrew Carnegie had mastered the ability to keep his mind focused and attentive. He could explore new opportunities, visualize creative schemes and implement them with huge success due to his ability to pay attention. He had mastered the art of keeping an attentive mind, observed things with openness and receptivity, which helped him unlock great treasures. Others missed it, because they couldn’t pay attentio...

Inferiority and Superiority Complex

Inferiority & Superiority Complex Fame / superiority, Rich / poor, superiority / inferiority. Fear causes over acting and over reacting. Ego; Competition, Comparative; somewhere he feels inferior. On other occasion, he shows off. Conditioning; toppers are appreciated. Freedom from Competition, Comparison is solution. Superiority / inferiority both have same root. Exist both or none. Competition, Comparative; when you question, you will find no base. Why you compare with 20-30 people. In each field there is a large number of people like them, like you. There is no reason to compare. We are crowd followers. Two donkeys are chained; one with steel chain, other with gold chain. Both are chained. But we are conditioned to say; gold chain donkey is special. Success is of two types; name, fame, position. Other one is satisfaction, contentment. Don't confuse contentment with laziness and comfort zone. Claiming empty contentment with very weak inner (beggar). Roosters fighting, Murgon k...

Creativity Connects Soul

Creativity Connects Soul We are all creative. As far back as we can go in history, creativity has always been a part of what makes us human. Just because we don’t know how to draw life-like images or compose a symphony (masterpiece), doesn’t mean we are not creative. We all have a creative fire that lives inside of us and is expressed in different ways. There is no limit on how our creativity can be expressed and we all have the potential to create. Through my spiritual journey I have started to discover that creativity holds great significance when it comes to connecting with your soul or authentic self. In fact by tuning into that creative fire that burns within, you can connect more powerfully with your soul. For some people, creativity can even be more effective at this than meditation. Creativity is beyond powerful and can be extremely healing and enlightening, but often we underestimate the power and importance of creativity. For some reason as a society, we chalk up creativity a...

Power Nap Like A Pro

 Power Nap Like A Pro | Superhuman Class on How To Sleep/Nap Effectively | Bill Gates, Elon Musk etc. 15-20 minutues. Benefits of Power Nap Power naps give you a much-needed shut-eye period in the middle of the day. By power napping, you experience short term results such as an increased level of energy, as well as long term gains like improved memory and immunity. Dreams are different than environment.

Egoistic Life and Intuitive Life

Umair Jaliawala | Trainers & Speakers Conference (Part - 1) U unique M maestro  (teacher) A assertive I impressive R rocking = A unique maestro who asserts impressions and he keeps rocking Two halls watching the match. One was lavish with big screen, good sound system, big sofas but there was no excitement. Other hall was full of people and they were in full swing without any nice arrangement. Creator wants us to do something great and unique. These people think differently about me. To whom should I listen? What is science of inspiration? It's from spirit. Spirit and soul is pure, align, connected. It never dies. I'll be buried but still I'll be remembered. Soul was created long before we were born and it will be there long after we're gone. Body, emotion, mind, soul. Reverse this sequence. Soul, thought; don't let your heart and mind drive you, drive your mind and heart.  Soul, thoughts, emotions.  Ego is edging God out.  Ego is driving you or you are driving ...

Ego vs Inspiration

What is intuition? Intuition is the direct perception of truth. The underlying assumption is that you are perfectly safe and secure as you are. Intuition knows that you live in a world of abundance and you need not look for happiness outside of yourself. It assumes there is plenty to go around, and that when you gain, so does everyone else. Intuition comes from the inside out. It urges you toward joyful self-expression. Intuition is heart-centered. It doesn’t bother with justification because it expects you to recognize it as truth. If you attempt to debate with it, it will merely give you the same answer again. Our intuition always comes from a place of love and security. The focus will be on expressing yourself, not on gaining control of a situation. Your intuition speaks to you about information that is always encouraging you towards living your best life and experiencing more love. The ego only speaks of information that is judgmental, analytical, and lacking. Again using the examp...

Pray For Zero Charity

Shireen Naqvi at YLC'17 (Young Leaders Conference) Don’t wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect. Around 9 million people die every year of hunger and hunger-related diseases. This is more than from AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. That’s 25,000 human beings every single day or one person every four seconds. 821 million people do not have enough of the food. 25:15 - 26:30 Don't ask for your right, focus on fulfil your responsibility. Pakistan is # 2 in charity. I pray for zero charity. 27:50 - 28:20 Four richest industries in the world 1) Arms 2) Drugs 3) Prostitution 4) Slavery. 32: Poverty is state of mind. 34:00 After prostrate what is left behind. 42:00 - 43:00 "If you have a lemon, make a lemonade." - Dale Carnegie. "When life gives you lemons ask it for sugar and water too. Otherwise, your final product would be some acidic lemon... "When life gives you lemons don't make lemonade, make pink lemonade. Be unique....

Voice Academy Online

Webinar Registration ( Singing Tip: Use Your Breath to Control your Voice Not Your Throat Muscles Social Media SOVT Exercises (Semi-Occluded Vocal Tract Exercises Straw exercise The king of all SOVTs. Like any exercise, there really isn’t a one size fits all for optimal straw usage. ... Bilabial occlusion – aka tight pursed lips This is straw exercises, without the straw. ... The Lip Trill Probably one of the most well-known vocal exercises of all time. The set-up is simple. Relax you...

Quality Communication Skills is Important

Al-Baqara (The Cow) 2:83 وَإِذْ أَخَذْنَا مِيثَاقَ بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ لَا تَعْبُدُونَ إِلَّا اللَّهَ وَبِالْوَالِدَيْنِ إِحْسَانًا وَذِي الْقُرْبَىٰ وَالْيَتَامَىٰ وَالْمَسَاكِينِ وَقُولُوا لِلنَّاسِ حُسْنًا وَأَقِيمُوا الصَّلَاةَ وَآتُوا الزَّكَاةَ ثُمَّ تَوَلَّيْتُمْ إِلَّا قَلِيلًا مِّنكُمْ وَأَنتُم مُّعْرِضُونَ AND LO! We accepted this solemn pledge from [you,] ' the children of Israel: "You shall worship none but God; and you shall do good unto your parents and kinsfolk, and the orphans, and the poor; and you shall speak unto all people in a kindly way; and you shall be constant in prayer; and you shall spend in charity. And yet, save for a few of you, you turned away: for you are obstinate folk! Importance of Public Speaking:  The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has said: “Whoever knows himself knows his Lord.” Man Arafa Nafsahu, Faqad Arafa Rabbahu Hadeeth; 'Khairun Naas mai'n yanfa'un Naas...' "خير الناس من ينفع الناس". The best among You is the one who...

Self Awareness

Meri Marzi, Pakistan Ki Bahadur Tareen Aurat Ka Elaan By Javed Chaudhry | Mind Changer | Real Heroes I was good in cooking. Age 40 now 47. Loan Process - Akhuwat, Islamic Micro Finance. Hard work and kill your depression. It improves health also. Self Awareness by Shireen Naqvi We start from I when we born, then character, then personality and finally identity, ego, image. Environment is always unstable. When we depend on environment for our identity. We become extrovert. We don't have time for our permanent start I. It never changes. When we stop listening our inner, we can't understand outer. Importance of Public Speaking by Yousuf Bashir Qureshi The Holy Prophet (PBUH) has said: “Whoever knows himself knows his Lord.” Man Arafa Nafsahu, Faqad Arafa Rabbahu A Hadeeth says, 'Khairun Naas mai'n yanfa'un Naas...' "خير الناس من ي...

Number One Winner; Marathon Race

Number One Winner; Marathon is long distance, 42 km race. Billions are observers; their job is abuse and clap. Many start but champion is only one. 90% fail in first phase. Jealousy and excuses. Rich people, food, shoes, bad day, black cat, crowd was biased, referee was favoring. After 30 km only 5-7 stay in the race. They are courageous, equal capacity, competitor but worst enemy of each other. 5th phase is for winner. He is alone. Life is a marathon race. Most are observers. Very few play. 90% run out in first phase. They live rest of their life in jealousy and justifying why they fail. In final stage 5-6 people remain in the race. They are not friends, they are worst enemy of each other. They are waiting to cross you. After winning, you will become alone and only alone. It's your choice. What you love to become; observer, players, losers, competitor or winner. Every stage has a price; observer, players, losers, competitor or winner. Nothing is free.

8 Scientific Tricks to Become Perfectly Happy

  8 Scientific Tricks to Become Perfectly Happy   1 Learn to say “Thank you”. When we say a person, or even fate, for something, we focus ourselves on the positive... Always try to get a good sleep. Start using a sleep mask. As long as your brain thinks it’s nighttime, it keeps on... Play sports. Physical activity is stressful for the body. As soon as the stress ends, your body gets a reward: a dose... Learn, learn, and, once again, learn!. For the brain, acquiring new knowledge means permanent adaptation to a...   8. Engage in pleasant expectations; The process of waiting for something nice, such as food is similar to the learned salivation response. Salivation in response to the food is an unconditioned response because it happens automatically. Finally, salivation in response to the light is a conditioned response because it is a reflex that is learned. Examples of conditioned responses are prevalent in everyday life. Many fears and phobias are the resu...

5 Ways To Keep Your Mind and Body Healthy

5 Ways To Keep Your Mind and Body Healthy 1 EAT THE RIGHT FOOD. Like any high-performance machine, our brain needs top quality fuel - … 2 GET MOVING. The human body was designed for motion. Yet few of us actually use the full … 3 KEEP YOUR GUT HEALTHY. When you feel anger, anxiety, sadness or joy, your stomach can … 4 GET A GOOD NIGHT SLEEP. Your brain needs rest, just like every other part of your body. … 5. STRESS LESS. I know - it's easier said than done. Stress is a part of everyone's life, but long-term or chronic stress can have negative effects on mental health. Learning healthy coping mechanisms, like taking a break from the source of stress or exercising, can help you deal with stress before it leads to a more serious illness. Practicing meditation and managing stress may help fend off an age-related decline in brain health. My mantra is - Always be positive and be happy. For most people, our prime focus is...