Speech is better than Silence, One Percent of One Percent

Value of Speaking (Holy Quran)

Imam Ali AS: Speaking good words is source of peace for soul and silence is source of peace for body.

Is Speech is better than Silence?

A person asked the Imam Zayn al-‘Abidin, peace be on him: “Which is better- speech or silence?” “Each has blights (bad effect),” answered the Imam, “when they are sound of blights, speech is better.”

Another person asked him: “How is this, son of Allah’s Apostle?”
The Imam, peace be on him, replied: “Allah, the Glorified, sent the prophets and the trustees (of authority) to speak, not to keep silent. (They did not) deserve the Garden through silence; rather through speech. I cannot equate the sun with the moon.”
Ali ibn Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him, said, “There is no good in silence when it comes to knowledge, just as there is no good in speaking when it comes to ignorance.
Imam Ali AS, "Do you suppose that you are only a small body, while the macrocosm [the whole of a complex structure, especially the world or the universe, contrasted with a small or representative part of it] is placed within you?"

Hazrat Fatimah AS said: You are the slaves of Allah and you are the establishers of His commands and prohibitions. You are the possessors of His religion and His revelation, the trustworthy ones with regards to yourselves and you should propagate it (Islam) to other nations, while you deem yourselves worthy of all this?

You are Allah's servants, who are ordered to carry out His commands for what is obligatory and what is forbidden, and you are the carriers of the burden of Allah's Religion and Revelations, and you are entrusted with the trusteeship of yourselves. You are charged with the propagation of Allah's Message to all the people of the world. 
http://islamicblessings.com/upload/Guftar%20Dilnasheen.pdf (Urdu) 18/131 p 35 - 8

7 benefits of great speech:
It lifts hearts in dark times, 
It gives hope in despair, 
It refines the characters, 
It inspires brave efforts,
It gives courage to the broken ones, 
It honors the dead, and 
It can change the course of history.

In fact, statistics show that the fear of public speaking is ranked above the fear of death and it affects about 73% of the population!

One Percent of One Percent: 99% of the population is afraid of public speaking, and of the remaining 1%, 99% of them have nothing original and interesting to say.

85 Percent of all Diseases (due to lack of Communication Skills)
The American Medical Association (AMA) states 80 percent of all health problems are stress related, and even the conservative Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has stated that 85 percent of all diseases appear to have an emotional element.

How a mu'azzin (Bad Awaz Moazzan) brought happiness for Kafirs. Hikayat e Rumi in Urdu. کافروں کو خوش کرنے والا موذن

Joel Osteen; how to speak effectively and earns US$90M a year
It comes as $50,000 - $60,000 per minute, he speaks less than 30 minutes per week. 
Learning and mentoring how to use tongue properly is a good area to address.

Beautiful Quran recitation by sister Jennifer Grout (converted Muslim - American singer) - Used her knowledge and skill of practice


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