Live Life
If you forgive a person but you hang on to the anger, the pain and the hurt and you say you forgave the person then you don’t understand what forgiveness really is.
Forgiveness is not for the other person it’s for you. When you don’t forgive a person it’s like you drinking the poison waiting on them to die.
Business Formula (5% Charity) Rishton sy Mohabbat Allah sy Mohabbat hy | Rishtedaron ky Huqooq Rules to Stay Live Alive in Pakistan By Javed Chaudhry | Mind Changer | Real Heroes | SX1 what forgiveness is to be great Ja’far al-Sadiq used to tell his companions, “When the man among you is conscious in regard to his faith, is honest in his words, delivers the trusts (to their rightful owners), perfects his manners with people, it will be said, ‘He is Ja’fari (a follower of Ja’far),’ and that would bring joy to me. But if (the man among you) is (in a condition) other than this, his ordeal and disgrace would (falsely) become attributed to me, when it is said that, ‘these are the manners of Ja’far…’”[iii]
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