40 Thought provoking Imam Ali (AS) Quotes
40 Thought provoking Imam Ali (AS) Quotes
1. Speak at the Right Time; Don’t speak when it’s not a good time to talk.
2. A Day of Celebration; Any day on which you don’t commit sins or disobey Allah is a day of celebration (Eid).
3. The Effect of Nature; Looking at nature brings happiness.
4. Two Valuable Blessings in Imam Ali (AS)'s Words; There are two things whose worth you will find out only after losing them; youth and health.
5. Difference with Children; Do not impose your own traditions on your children, since they are living in a different era than yours.
6. Who to Consult and Who not to Consult; Consult with your wise enemy, but avoid your ignorant friend’s advice.
7. The Best Candidates to Consult; The wise, knowledgeable, experienced, and prudent ones are the best to consult with.
8. When to Consult; Consult before making decisions and think before taking action.
9. Be Patient with Your Job's Difficulties; If you don’t endure the difficulties of working, you are made to bear the misfortunes of poverty.
10. Be Kind; Be kind to the less privileged ones than you, so that your superiors be kind to you.
11. Respect Your Father and Teacher; Rise in respect to your father and your teacher, even if you possess a high status.
12. The Foundation of the World according to Imam Ali (AS); The world is founded on justice.
13. Observe Justice; The fairest among you is the one who observes justice between people while in power.
14. Treat others as you expect to be treated; The fairest manner is to treat people the way you expect them to treat you.
15. Quality is more important than Quantity for Imam Ali (AS); Don’t worry about how fast you do a job; instead, observe the best quality in whatever you do.
16. The Worst Homeland; The worst homeland is the one that doesn’t keep its citizens safe.
17. How to Start a Deed; You need to have enough knowledge of a deed before doing it.
18. Do Every Deed on its Own Time; Do every day’s work on that specific day, since each task is due to its special day.
19. Keep Your Promises; The ones who don’t keep their promise do not believe in Allah.
20. Don't Break Your Promise to Children; It’s beneath you to make a promise to your child and not keep it.
21. Be Childlike; If you have a child, be childlike with him / her.
22. Yesterday, Tomorrow, Today; Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is yet to come, while today is a precious chance for you to make the most of it.
23. An Unplanted Land; The heart of the teenage is like an unplanted land that is ready to receive any seed planted in it.
24. Read Books; The greatest peace is obtained by reading books.
25. Scholars' Heaven; Find the scholars’ heaven within the pages of the books.
26. The Perfection of Religion; The perfection of religion is in seeking knowledge and making use of it.
27. What is Said, not Who Said it; Pay attention to what is said, not who is saying it.
28. Think instead of Talking; Try to ponder and understand instead of quoting.
29. Help Others; You will be helped, the same way as you help others.
30. The Faithful as Defined by Imam Ali (AS); The faithful who help the destitute in the hardships and misfortunes of their lives are loved most by Allah.
31. Peace is Better Than War; I found peace, so far as it won’t degrade Islam, more beneficial than war.
32. You Make a Mistake, too! Don’t be happy about the mistakes of others, since you are not perfect either.
33. Respect to be Respected; Talk respectfully to people to hear respectful responses.
34. The Power of Optimism; Optimism (hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something) reduces despair and keeps you away from committing sins.
35. Do not Measure Truth Based on People; What is right is not distinguished by the people; you should first know what is right to find the ones following it.
36. Be at Peace; Whoever avoids holding grudges, his / her heart and mind will remain at peace.
37. Be Thankful and Patient; Be thankful to Allah on your days of comfort and happiness, and be patient on the days of difficulty and hardship.
38. The Precious Blessing of Health; Health is more precious than any other of Allah’s blessings.
39. Women in Islam; Women are Allah’s trusts upon you, do not hurt them, and do not put pressure on them.
40. Make the most of Your Happy Moments; Enjoy your moments of happiness with all your heart to help you at the time of sadness.
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